Posts Tagged 'winter'

Soup Storytime

Kudos to Adventures in Storytime for the idea!

Welcome: Quiet Song

Story: Gazpacho for Nacho by Tracey Kyle

Fingerplay/Action Rhyme:

Alligator pie, alligator pie.
If I don’t get some, I think I’m gonna cry!
You can give away the green grass.
You can take away the sky.
But don’t give away my alligator pie!

Alligator stew, alligator stew.
If I don’t get some, I don’t know what I’ll do.
You can give away my furry hat.
You can take away my shoe.
But don’t give away my alligator stew.

Alligator soup, alligator soup
If I don’t get some, I think I’m gonna droop.
You can give away my basketball.
You take away my hoop.
But don’t give away my alligator soup!

(other verses – cake, i’m gonna shake, give away the river, take away the lake)

Fingerplay/Action Rhyme:

THE SOUP IS BOILING UP (from JBrary tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
The soup is boiling up,
The soup is boiling up,
Stir slow around we go,
The soup is boiling up.

(have kids say ingredients – first we add the, then we add…, end with …..we’ll eat the soup up,

We’ll eat the soup up,
We’ll eat the soup up
Fresh from the pot,
It’s nice and hot,
We’ll eat the soup up.

Story: Duck Soup by Jackie Urbanovic

Fingerplay/Action: I Feel Crazy So I Jump in My Soup – Laurie Berkner on her Victor Vito Album

Fingerplay/Action Rhyme:
I wish I had two little mouths
(hold up two fingers and touch mouth)
Like my two little hands and feet
(show hands and feet)
A little mouth to talk with
(use left hand to make a talking mouth)
And one that just could eat
(use right hand to make an eating mouth)
Because it seems to me
(hold arms out in confusion)
Mouths have so many things to do.
All the time they want to talk
(use left hand to make talking mouth)
They are suppose to chew
(use right hand to make eating mouth)

Story: Mean Soup by Betsy Everitt

Two Little Blackbirds

Story: Is that Wise Pig by Jan Thomas

Closing – It Is Time to Say Goodbye to All Our Friends

Fingerplay/Action Rhyme: (clap)
Peas porridge hot,
Peas porridge cold,
Peas porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.

Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old.

Alternate Stories:
Wolf’s Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza
Wombat Stew by Marcia Vaughn
Growing Vegetable Soup by Louis Ehlert
Every Color Soup by Jorey Hurley
Carrot Soup by John Segal
Stone Soup by Ann McGovern
Rainbow Ste by Cathryn Falwell


Blanket Storytime

Opening: “Quiet Song”

Story: Frankie the Blankie by Jennifer Sattler

Fuzzy Blanket
I have a fuzzy blanket
To snuggle in at night
I wrap it all around me
And pull it warm and tight
from Sunflower Storytime

Feltboard: I Once had a blanket
I once had a blanket
It was fluffy and new
I once had a blanket
And its color was _____ (blue).

I once had a blanket
The prettiest I’ve seen
I once had a blanket
And its color was _____ (green).

I once had a blanket
Soft as a pillow
I once had a blanket
And its color was _____ (yellow).

I once had a blanket
At the foot of my bed
I once had a blanket
And its color was _____ (red).

From Anne’s Library Life

Story: Small Bunny’s Blue Blanket by Tatyana Feeney

Under the Dark (storytime rhyme with sign language from Jbrary)
Under the dark, there are stars.
Under the stars, there is a tree.
Under the tree, there is a blanket.
And under the blanket, there is me.

This little fellow is going to bed (raise pointer finger)
Down on the pillow he lays his head (lay finger on palm of other hand)
Wraps himself in the blankets tight (closer fingers over pointer finger)
And this is the way he sleeps all night (rock hands)

Morning comes, and he opens his eyes.
Back with a toss the covert flies (open hand)
Soon he is up and dressed and away (raise pointer finger up)
Ready for the library that day

Story: Flora’s Blanket by Debi Gliori

Two Little Blackbirds

Story: Pigs and a Blanket by James Burks

Alternate Stories:
Tuck Me in by Dean Hacohen
No More Blanket for Lambkin by Bernette Ford (a dirty blankie gets cleaned and then repurposed)
Kiki’s Blankie by Janie Bynum – a blanket can be many things and sometimes it needs to be washed
You’re Just What I need by Ruth Krauss  – just what is that lump under the blanket?
Pillowland by Laurie Berkner
Fly Blanky Fly by Anne Margaret Lewis

Red Sled

by Lita Judge

Gorgeous illustrations – very few words.  At night, winter animals hijack a red sled and go for a joy ride.  Cumulative story with animals joining in the fun one by one.  Would be a good story to pair with The Mitten.